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Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Mac - SSH Agent Redux 

[ Since publishing this post, Mac OS X Leopard 10.5 was released with built-in ssh-agent support.  Don't bother with the solution outlined below!  Instead, visit this post for how to set up automatic ssh logins using Leopard: http://ormset.no/wordpress/2007/10/28/leopard-finally-supporting-ssh-agent-at-login/]

In Mac - Setting up SSH agent authentication I outlined a few options to set up automatic ssh authentication on a Mac.

Since then I've discovered an even better solution in the form of a Cocoa application that integrates with the Apple Keychain. And since it's capable of running either in the Dock or in the Status Bar you can configure it to stay completely out of your way.

I have mine configured to launch at startup (via the Accounts -> Login Items Preferences Pane in System Preferences) and to run only in the Status Bar.

Check it out and consider donating. It's called SSHKeychain by Ambrero Software

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