Thursday, June 15, 2006
Vim 7.0 - Edit jar files from within vim
Cross-posted to:
Jar files are really just zip files, and you can browse them from within vim simply by treating them the same as vim treats zip files (note to the vim maintainers: can we add these to the default distribution?)
If you want to figure out how to do this yourself, simply read this section of the help docs: and read zipPlugin.vim in your runtime/plugins directory.
For those who are impatient, the skinny version is to place the following text into a file named ~/.vim/ftdetect/jar.vim (if you're on unix):
Jar files are really just zip files, and you can browse them from within vim simply by treating them the same as vim treats zip files (note to the vim maintainers: can we add these to the default distribution?)
If you want to figure out how to do this yourself, simply read this section of the help docs: and read zipPlugin.vim in your runtime/plugins directory.
For those who are impatient, the skinny version is to place the following text into a file named ~/.vim/ftdetect/jar.vim (if you're on unix):
######################## FILE START #####################That's it! If you vim a jar file now, you'll be able to browse it.
au BufReadCmd *.jar,*.war,*.ear,*.sar,*.rar call zip#Browse(expand(""))
######################## FILE END #####################
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